
MindHappy is a mental wellness company that equips you with the necessary tools you need to live a balanced, happy and peaceful life.

We're here to make you happy


We walk with you on the journey to becoming the happiest version of yourself. Here's how:

The Yellow Couch

Need someone to just listen while you pour your heart out? We're here for you! On the yellow couch, you can lay it bare. We believe the first step to happiness is healing.


Happy Hour

Physical and virtual sessions where we teach different topics and practice wellness together

Sunshine Sessions

You can create happiness in your friendships and relationships. Book a joint session with your loved one(s)
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Our Office Location

123 Main Street
Atlanta, Ga 30312
Contact Information

+1 (123) 555-5555
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Our Services


“Nothing drives your point home like a glowing testimonial from someone who is passionate about your brand.”

— Customer Review
“Nothing drives your point home like a glowing testimonial from someone who is passionate about your brand.”

— Customer Review
“Nothing drives your point home like a glowing testimonial from someone who is passionate about your brand.”

— Customer Review


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